I'm a presenter for a Linux Foundation webinar next week on the topic of "Integrating ONAP with a 5G Cloud Native Network" on May 19, 2020.
First some history — multiple members of the OPNFV community put together the original end-to-end 5G Cloud Native demo which was shown at Kubecon in November 2019. The demo was received with tremendous excitement as it was the first truly cloud native 5G demo.
One key component missing from that demo was automation. To help with this gap, we (Aarna Networks) decided to contribute to the effort by integrating ONAP with the demo. By using a subset of ONAP, we will be able to fill gaps around orchestration, lifecycle management, monitoring, and closed loop automation over time. See details on this effort here. However, since the vRAN portion of the original demo had some stringent hardware requirements in terms of FPGA boards and the need for a faraday cage to not interfere with licensed spectrum, we decided to simplify the problem and focus only on the 5G Core (5GC) instead for now.
We are happy to show the first version of this demo next week. We will show ONAP onboarding the Altran 5GC and then orchestrating it onto Red Hat OpenShift. Instead of a full 5G vRAN, we will use a gNB emulator instead.
Please join us for this exciting webinar and demo!