I am pleased to announce version 2.1 of the Aarna.ml works Multi Cluster Orchestration Platform (AMCOP). As a quick recap, AMCOP addresses the orchestration, life-cycle management, and automation of cloud native, B2B, 5G network service + edge computing applications. We support only the Kubernetes NFVI. And we focus on B2B applications e.g., Industry 4.0, healthcare, precision agriculture, and more.
AMCOP supports intent-based orchestration of 5G network services and composite edge computing applications, manages their lifecycle and enables creation of policy-driven control loop automation. In the latest version 2.1, AMCOP added support for edit/modification of Network Services that have already been deployed, comprehensive O-RAN SMO functionality, and also an early access version of network slicing manager, Non-Real Time RIC (NRTRIC) and Network Data Analytics Function (NWDAF)/Management Data Analytics Function (MDAF).
AMCOP is a fully cloud-native application that can run on a variety of Kubernetes clusters (open source k8s, LFN Anuket, as well as all the public cloud variants - GKE, AKS and EKS). It has been integrated with Prometheus, Istio and Keycloak, and will be supporting Jaeger integration soon. AMCOP is installed using the AMCOP Operator, which will manage the complete life-cycle of AMCOP, and enables seamless upgrades to future versions of AMCOP. Support for RedHat OpenShift is coming shortly!
See the AMCOP product page for more information. The product is open source (based on LF Networking and CNCF projects), so you can try it out for free as well.
Also, check out AMCOP demos:
- AMCOP demo of Altran/Kaloom 5G Core orchestration on Red Hat OpenShift (keynote or booth)
- AMCOP demo of Free5GC (5G Core) orchestration on K8s
Alternatively, check out the demos on our YouTube channel:
- AMCOP 2.1 installation using k8s operator on any k8s cluster
- AMCOP 2.1 installation (using AMCOP operator) and vFW orchestration installation on bare metal
- AMCOP demo of SMO functionality
- AMCOP orchestration of Free5GC on K8s
- AMCOP orchestration of Altran 5GC on Red Hat OpenShift
Finally, check out our white papers. They are purely educational and 100% product-free:
- Why Private 5G + edge computing?
- 5G network service + edge computing application orchestration requirements
Interested in an AMCOP presentation and demo meeting? Let us know at [email protected] and we can schedule it.