If you are a VNF vendor (or for that matter PNF/CNF), establishing interop with ONAP can be stressful. Sure, there is excellent documentation to help you (VNF Requirements project) and easy-to-use tooling to establish baseline compliance. But given our busy lives, it can be a bit difficult to figure out where to start. You might have questions such as:
- What is ONAP?
- Why should you bother about interop with ONAP?
- What is the OPNFV Verification Program (OVP)? Why should I care?
- How does OVP help with interop testing with ONAP?
- How do I get started?
A recent webinar titled "How the OPNFV Verification Program (OVP) Can Boost VNF Interoperability" featuring yours truly as one of the panelists answered these questions. But that was not a hands-on experience. To help address the above questions in a 100% hands-on manner and to help you get started on your OVP VNF interop journey, the ONAP community is organizing an OVP VNF hacking track at the upcoming free LFN Developer and Testing event in Prague this January.
There will be ONAP and OPNFV environments available, experts at your beck-and-call, and guidance to get you testing your VNF against ONAP. Although there is a formal test plan, you can do as little or as much as you want (this format is inspired by ETSI Plugtests). It's a judgement free zone and no vendor names will be associated with results in the post-event report. CNF/PNF vendors are welcome too, though there is no equivalent test plan for you.

Our (Aarna.ml) engineers will be at the event to help out. So what are you waiting for? Ask your engineers to sign up for this free event and experience the beautiful city of Prague in the dead of winter (the average temperature is a balmy -2C, so should not be too bad).