Today we made two presentations at the joint ONAP Dublin DDF + OPNFV Gambia Plugfest event in Paris. Both presentations/demos were successful and well received. A quick summary of the two presentations:

Mobile Content Cloud (MCC) Network Service Using ONAP:
Alex Xia from Affirmed and I showed how to use Affirmed Networks' MMC related VNFs and onboard them through the ONAP SDC design tool. We next showed how to create a single network service using these VNFs through ONAP SDC. Then we perform SDN-C preload of VNFs and deployed the network service (MCC) using VID in the ONAP portal. Finally, we showed post-deployment configuration for the VNFs. See video here.
L2 Forwarder Using Yardstick NSB and ONAP:
In this presentation, we used a Sample VNF from OPNFV – L2 forwarder – to show an end-to-end lifecycle of a VNF using OPNFV + ONAP. We mean lifecycle from an operator point of view where the first step is to validate/certify a VNF and the last step is to deploy/manage it in production. We showed how we can do perf. benchmarking using OPNFV Yardstick NSB to validate/certify an VNF. Next we onboarded the VNF onto ONAP. Finally, we deployed the VNF using ONAP onto an OPNFV OpenStack scenario. See video here.
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