Do you find yourself in meetings where NFV buzz-words are being thrown around and the prevailing attitude of "everyone should know this stuff" preventing you from asking what these terms mean? Have you also been frustrated that most of the NFV material out there is telco-centric and not really tailored for Cable Operators, meaning it does not directly address your needs?
Well I have some good news for you. There is now a CableLabs NFV101 course that covers the basics of NFV, with a 100% Cable Operator point of view. The training will take around 3 hours (virtual) or 1/2 day in-person. It is broken into 7 chapters:
You can take it for free online. Or you can contact us for an in-person fee-based training.
After having designed the first pre-DOCSIS CMTS at HP in '96-'97 (yes HP was in the CMTS business for a short while) and having worked on the first QAM/MPEG2 based digital set-top boxes in '97-'99 at VLSI Technology (acquired by NXP), I'm super excited to be back working with the cable industry, and am really looking forward with meaningful conversations.
Feb-2019 Update: The course is now also available on Intel Network Builders here.